ABOUT Numerologist and author of Redesign Your Life: Using Numerology To Create the Wildly Optimal You, The Ultimate Guide to Numerology, and Master Numbers 11, 22, 33: The Ultimate Guide. Find her books on Amazon. Felicia is also the resident...
ABOUT Natha Campanella is an astrologer who Astrologer who helps you understand your history, identify your blocks and blind spots, and distinguish your powerful gifts using the wisdom of astrology! EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS Within this episode, we discuss: -End of...
ABOUT Fuel Your Life Friday is a weekly mini series filled with tips, tricks, and leveling-up challenges that will help your fuel your life. Within this week’s episode, I’m outlining what a natural energy vortex is and how we can use the energy! ...
ABOUT I’m Jessica, a mother, teacher, healer, business owner and Divine Feminine in a Twin Flame connection, who specializes as a Twin Flame reader & guide on social media, particularly Instagram and YouTube. I have always been claircognizant my whole life, but I...
ABOUT Ahna Hendrix is a Spiritual Guide, Marketer, Podcaster, and believes that when we invest in ourselves, the world benefits. She was born into this life knowing God, seeing miracles and grew up among entrepreneurs, which developed her into an equal...
ABOUT You may remember Jerremy Newsome from episode 153 – if you didn’t catch that episode check it out after this one as Jerremy shares the story of how he bought stock in Apple, at the age of 6. Over the last 7 years, Jerremy Newsome has built a reputation as...
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