A year ago, while I waited for the arrival of Hurricane Irma, I started looking into graduate programs. I was craving the desire to learn again, and thought maybe going back to school would be a good idea.

As I got lost in the search of graduate programs, I started to realize no program appealed to me – at least – not one that was offered online. So, out of habit, I pull up Facebook to mindlessly scroll. But this time, it was different. The first post that appeared in my feed, was a Facebook Live video, that had been shared into a female entrepreneur Facebook group, by a lady named “Judi Jamieson, The Psychic” . She was offering free card readings – and since I had nothing better to do, I thought… why not.

I commented with my name to enter for a reading, and my name was chosen. My card revolved around learning, and that I was craving the desire and needed to immerse myself into a new training, course, or program. 10 minutes later, instead of enrolling in formal education, I enrolled in Judi’s intuition course.

This week, Judi joins me for a conversation discussing:

How we are all psychic: 3:15
When she learned she was psychic: 7:00
The difference between intuition and ego: 17:35
Developing your intuition:
How to expand your natural abilities: 24:00

She does a card reading at the end specifically for our listeners!

Tune in, turn it up, and let’s go!

Remember, you can subscribe to Master Your Mind, Business and Life on iTunes, Google Music Play, Stitcher, Podbean, and Anchor.

Thanks for joining me this!

I’ll see ya next week and remember:

Every level of life, is an opportunity to grow.

Be well my friend,
