Want to talk about an amazing, inspiring, story – mixed with a humbling yet energetic energy? Then we’ll be talking about this week’s guest, Jake Woodard.

I loved the realness of our conversation; I don’t think most know that a lot of times, my recorded conversation with a guest, is often times my first spoken conversation with them!

Sometimes, I know guests before they come on the podcast. Other times, I see someone on Instagram or Facebook, like what they do, want to learn more about them, and invite them to have a conversation with me.

I wanted to bring this to light, because I love the truth, curiosity and connection that through in these conversations between two strangers. To me, it’s a reminder that we are more alike to each other than we believe; try and find connections with a stranger, learn more about them, ask more questions, find out what lights them up.

This week’s conversation, was no exception.

Jake Woodard discovered his intuitive gifts through the deep spiritual and physical pain he endured early on in life. He uses his powerful life experiences as a way to teach others how to eliminate suffering. He is an Author, Transformational Life Coach and Speaker. He integrates the mind, body and spirit to help others remove blocks and gain a greater sense of clarity in life. He believes that with an open heart and quiet mind, all things are possible.

Jake joins me to discuss:
-Releasing Pain
-The Process of Letting Go
-Fulfillment Blocks
-Where to Penetrate a Woman (yeah, we’re going there)


Connect with Jake:
Website: https://www.jakewoodard.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_jakewoodard/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jakewoodardinspire/


Don’t forget! If you leave a review anytime during the month of February, you’re entered to win a copy of my book, “Mind Love: Bite-Sized Thought Nuggets to Fuel Your Life.”

All you have to do is leave a review on iTunes or Apple Podcasts between now and February 28th, to be automatically entered to win a copy of Mind Love! If you leave a review on PodBean, Stitcher, Google Play Music or similar, take a screenshot of that review and email it to me at hello@laurensmithbiz.com.

Until Next Week,
