Relationships with ourselves are the most important; how can we expect a great relationship with another if we don’t have one with ourselves?

Who better to discuss relationships with, than Stefanos Sifandos.

Being a Good Man with Stefanos SifandosStef primarily considers himself a ‘Relational Alchemist’ – Where he is able to achieve transformation in relationship through conscious connection. Stef is an international speaker and author. He works closely with people developing acute skills around cultivating a deep connection to self through vulnerability, masculine/feminine ‘whole’ emergence, empowerment and sovereign leadership. He guides individuals in connecting wholly and authentically in relationships.

This episode was a little tricky for me to name; I debated back and fourth on calling this “Being a Good Man”, “Conscious Man” and “Conscious Relationships” — ultimately I chose “Conscious Relationships” for the reason I think it this conversation is going to be adored by both men and women, and I didn’t want the title to discourage our female audience from listening.


In my conversation with Stef, we cover:
– His Journey of Awakening
– Being a Good Man
– Healthy Masculinity
– Conscious Relationships / Sacred Unions
and MORE!

Connect with Stefanos further:

Tune in below or on your favorite podcast app!

Until Next Week,

PS. Don’t forget to share this episode! This podcast is being streamed in 33 countries, let’s get to 40! xox