This week’s topic is one that can be quite difficult to talk about.
Loss and Death are sometimes viewed as a taboo subject. Something we shouldn’t talk about, or that we feel as if we have to hide our feelings.
I am no stranger to death or loss. My hometown, Boonsboro, MD – has had more deaths of young people than you can imagine. Since my senior year of high school – in 2005, there has been over 39 deaths of young people under the age of 35. Most were under the age of 25. That’s 39 young people, in just 14 years. Some of those people who passed, included some of my close friends, my 5 year old niece, and my brother in law. That doesn’t add in family and family friends who were over the age of 50 when they passed.
My point is, when it comes to grief & loss, I have felt the pain.
After we are born, we all have the same fate, which is death. But grief and loss can transpire in numerous ways. It can be downright debilitating.
This week’s guest is no stranger to the podcast.
Psychotherapist, Sherile Turner, is helping us understand what grief is, how we can heal, and how we move forward.
Connect with Sherile on her website:
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Until Next Week,