Welcome back to another Fuel Your Life Friday episode, friends! So a few Friday’s ago, I shared my Full Moon Ritual.Remember, the Full Moon is all about releasing as a cycle completes. This weekend is the New Moon, and if you remember on the episode with the ladies of Luscious Hustle, where we talked all about the Moon cycles and how they impact us, the New Moon is a time for setting intentions.
Because you all seemed to enjoy learning about the moon and how to flow with it, I thought I’d share my little short New Moon Ritual with you.
Now when people hear the word ritual, they automatically think it’s something witchy – but to me, my New Moon and Full Moon rituals are more like a routine or a scheduled “inner maintenance” time where I reflect, release and of course, set intentions.
Setting intentions is so powerful and yes, it’s different than goals. Goals can be things that are set in the future, such as “It’s my goal to change 1 Million People’s Lives” – where as an intention is more for the present moment. I like to think of intentions as the mind, body, and spirit all working together, because they’re more about the inner relationship you have with yourself. Intentions are about how you want to live daily and show up in the world.
I set the intention to meditate daily, no matter what my mood is, how busy I am, or what excuse I may come up with. The intention is to go beyond my daily busy mind, and get in sync with my inner conscious and develop a deeper awareness of self.
So now that you’re hopefully a little more clear on what intentions are, let’s get down with my New Moon Ritual.
In a calming space, meditate.
Write down a list of your intentions – be sure to be very clear about them and be sure they’re aligned for your highest self.
Under the moon, read your list out loud.
After you’ve finished reading it, thank the Universe for hearing your truth.
You may choose to burn your list, or you may place your list of intentions under your pillow. A friend of mine keeps her list on her mirror until the New Moon cycle is completed by the next full moon in the same sign – so since this current New Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, the new Full Moon in Pisces, will be Wednesday September 2nd. So that’s when this full cycle is quote in quote “complete”
If you try this New Moon Ritual this weekend or you have your own little ritual, be sure to share it with me! I’m every where on Social Media @MindBizLife
If you enjoyed this episode share it with a friend and be sure to give the podcast a 5 star review on apple podcasts or wherever it is that you tune in and turn it up.
That’s all for today, I’ll see you next week and until then remember: every level of life is an opportunity to grow. Be well my friend.