Speaker, singer, mentor, transformational storyteller, visionary, and prayer of prayers. She is the host of many beloved global podcasts: “Vagina Talks”, “Medicine Caller”, and the “I Love My Life Podcast”.

Sophia makes temples everywhere she goes where people claim their sacredness, define it for themselves, and remember who they truly are. She trains professional medicine callers to trust and optimize their medicine through self-mastery, soul unification, skill refinement, and ancestral reclamation. She is the creator and author of I LOVE MY LIFE: Oracle Deck and Academy.

A child mystic who has been a professional Medicine Caller for over twenty years, she is trained in over twenty different modalities, including internal pelvic floor work. Known for her candor and love, digging deep, laughing the whole way.


Within this episode, we discuss:

-Medcine Caller
-The Link Between the Body and Personal Authority
-Healing Your Root and Pelvic Bowl
-Ancestral History & Healing
…and MORE!


