Thursday, Dec. 3rd, 2020 1:00PM PST
The Body Love Panel: Ditching Diet Culture, Restriction and Unconditionally Loving Our Physical Selves to Thrive
Spiritual business mentor and author Lauren Smith of the Master Your Mind, Biz and Life podcast leads this conversation with bestselling author and blogger, Stacy Toth of The Whole View podcast, intuitive eating counselor and co-Founder of The Body Love Society, Jenna Free of The How to Love Your Body podcast, and certified international health coach and holistic nutritionist Kayla Nedza of The Wellness Glow-Up podcast.They’ll delve into the relationships we have with our physical bodies, how society at large shapes our self-image and how we can learn to love ourselves even more!
JOIN ME: https://www.eventbrite.
Mon Nov. 30th, 2020 4 PM PST
Exclusive Daily Live Stream: Ask Kati Anything’s Kati Morton on Building and Maintaining our Mental Health (interviewed by Lauren Smith)
Join therapist, author, and YouTube sensation Kati Morton for this conversation on building and maintaining a healthy mind and healthy body! With mental health becoming more important than ever, Kati reduces the stigma and gives clear and inclusive insight into how we can nurture our mental health, identify when we need help, and what those resources are for our individual needs!
Tune in, Turn it Up, and Join the Conversation:
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