Episode 081: Astrology Forecast for 2020 with Christina Caudill

Episode 081: Astrology Forecast for 2020 with Christina Caudill

We’re off and running in the New Year and we have some big energetic shifts about to hit us. And I’m not talking in a couple months, it all kicks off in just two days! From Eclipses, to Saturn and Pluto meeting each other in Capricorn for the first time since the...
Episode 048: Letting Go to Grow with Lauren Smith

Episode 048: Letting Go to Grow with Lauren Smith

I originally had different episode on my launch calendar for today, but decided to do a last minute solo episode. I find myself more willing to open up and share through these episodes, the more I do them. This just proves that confidence is built through repetition....
Episode 013: Navigating Mercury Retrograde with Natalie Walstein

Episode 013: Navigating Mercury Retrograde with Natalie Walstein

On November 16, Mercury turns retrograde for the third and final time this year.I was introduced to this phenomenon about 7 years ago and since become aware of it, I’m extremely cautious with my communication, travel and purchases during this time. If you’re...