Episode 191: Reality Transurfing with Renee Garcia

Episode 191: Reality Transurfing with Renee Garcia

ABOUT Renee Garcia is a lifelong entrepreneur, Certified Reality Transurfing instructor, and an Alternatives Space adventurer – endorsed by Vadim Zeland, former Russian quantum physicist and the author/creator of Reality Transurfing.  Having ventured deeply into...
Episode 131: Evaluating Your Priorities with Lauren Smith

Episode 131: Evaluating Your Priorities with Lauren Smith

ABOUT I know in June you were hit with a series of episodes that provided an energy update and also a bit of an energy forecast for where we currently are in 2020 but also what energy is to be anticipated. With all of the amazing insight our experts provided, it’s had...
Episode 129: Leaning into Your Enoughness with Mary Hyatt

Episode 129: Leaning into Your Enoughness with Mary Hyatt

ABOUT Mary Hyatt is a life and business mindset coach who specializes in helping high achieving female entrepreneurs move from living a life of burnout to a life where they are connected to their emotions, their body, and their spirit. She helps bring her 1 on 1 and...