Episode 131: Evaluating Your Priorities with Lauren Smith

Episode 131: Evaluating Your Priorities with Lauren Smith

ABOUT I know in June you were hit with a series of episodes that provided an energy update and also a bit of an energy forecast for where we currently are in 2020 but also what energy is to be anticipated. With all of the amazing insight our experts provided, it’s had...
Episode 069: Exploring Your Human Design Chart with Katie Calder

Episode 069: Exploring Your Human Design Chart with Katie Calder

I love tools that help us to elevate higher and become more self-aware. Sometimes it can sound like a funny thing when someone says they want to be more self-aware…because we should already know ourselves, right? While that may be true, sometimes our ego allows us to...
Episode 25: The Power of Yes with Reese Evans

Episode 25: The Power of Yes with Reese Evans

Do you know how much tapping into our subconscious is linked to our ability to overcome and step into our power? It’s true! Not to mention, the subconscious has the ability to absorb 20 MILLION bits of information per second, whereas the conscious mind only...