Jul 22, 2020 | Life, Mind
ABOUT I love when previous guests introduce me to others who they feel would be great on the show! This week’s guest and I connected thanks to previous guest, Laura Briggs, and I know you’re going to really get a lot of out of our conversation. Michael...
Jul 17, 2019 | Life, Mind
I originally had different episode on my launch calendar for today, but decided to do a last minute solo episode. I find myself more willing to open up and share through these episodes, the more I do them. This just proves that confidence is built through repetition....
Jan 2, 2019 | Business, Life
Happy New Year!I had a lazy NYE and an even lazier New Year’s Day. And it felt daaaang good to rest and rejuvenate before life gets crazy and the New Year heats up!Now that we’re fresh in 2019, we’re all getting a little more focused in on planning and executing...