Episode 012: A Veteran’s Journey with Erik Goodge

Episode 012: A Veteran’s Journey with Erik Goodge

November 11th is Veteran’s Day, I wanted to dedicate a podcast episode honor the every day heroes who have served our country. When my mom told me about Marine Veteran and Purple Heart recipient, Erik Goodge, I knew I wanted to connect with him and learn more about...
Episode 010: Motivating Your Best Self with David Stout

Episode 010: Motivating Your Best Self with David Stout

I can’t even begin to tell you how great it was to catch up with my high school classmate, David Stout. David was a former model for brands like Under Armour, Hollister, and Abercrombie & Fitch, before he switched gears and entered the banking world. He then...
Episode 007: Feed Your Mind Love with Lauren Smith

Episode 007: Feed Your Mind Love with Lauren Smith

I had a message from a listener last week, who heard me being interviewed by Mack Munro on The Boss Builder Podcast and liked that Mack asked me to break down a few of my quotes from my book, Mind Love: Bites Sized Thought Nuggets to Fuel Your Life. She told me she...
Episode 005: Building Better Bosses with Mack Munro

Episode 005: Building Better Bosses with Mack Munro

If you’ve never had a bad boss, consider yourself lucky. For the rest of us – we know how a boss can make or break a job. This week, I’m joined by the CEO and Founder The Boss Builders, Mack Munro. Mack is also the host of a podcast, rightfully...