Episode 25: The Power of Yes with Reese Evans

Episode 25: The Power of Yes with Reese Evans

Do you know how much tapping into our subconscious is linked to our ability to overcome and step into our power? It’s true! Not to mention, the subconscious has the ability to absorb 20 MILLION bits of information per second, whereas the conscious mind only...
Episode 020: Living an Empowered Life with Amanda Scocozzo

Episode 020: Living an Empowered Life with Amanda Scocozzo

Happy New Year!I had a lazy NYE and an even lazier New Year’s Day. And it felt daaaang good to rest and rejuvenate before life gets crazy and the New Year heats up!Now that we’re fresh in 2019,  we’re all getting a little more focused in on planning and executing...