Oct 7, 2020 | Business, Life
ABOUT Imagine leaving your corporate job, starting a new business, getting stuck at making 30k a year… and then BOOM – you start doing the “inner work” that we’re always talking about on this show – and you go from making 30 thousand a year to over 300 a...
Feb 27, 2020 | Business, Life
If you need to embrace a little more self confidence, self worth, and really start believing in yourself and your power – this episode is for you! This week I’m joined by Leah Pardee. Right after I recorded this episode with Leah, I joined her as a guest on her...
Jul 17, 2019 | Life, Mind
I originally had different episode on my launch calendar for today, but decided to do a last minute solo episode. I find myself more willing to open up and share through these episodes, the more I do them. This just proves that confidence is built through repetition....
Feb 20, 2019 | Business, Life
To embody confidence, means to embody power. Owning your confidence can be quite a struggle for some, and that’s why I’ve brought in TedX Speaker, Personal Brand Photographer, and Confidence Catalyst, Sandy Grigsby.Sandy is the Founder of Brio Five, LLC, a leading...