Mar 27, 2019 | Business, Life
It’s been awhile since I’ve released a solo episode and well… some current events brought on this one.I decided with the last episode of March, to give you guys a break down on some business changes, life changes, and some lessons I’ve learned – that I think you...
Mar 20, 2019 | Life, Mind
Relationships with ourselves are the most important; how can we expect a great relationship with another if we don’t have one with ourselves? Who better to discuss relationships with, than Stefanos Sifandos. Stef primarily considers himself a ‘Relational...
Feb 27, 2019 | Business, Life, Mind
This week’s episode is wildly fascinating – it combines imagination with technology and dreams with reality. That’s right, we’re talking about Virtual Reality.Virtual Reality is not a new topic, but Michael Berman and his business partner are paving waves in the...
Feb 20, 2019 | Business, Life
To embody confidence, means to embody power. Owning your confidence can be quite a struggle for some, and that’s why I’ve brought in TedX Speaker, Personal Brand Photographer, and Confidence Catalyst, Sandy Grigsby.Sandy is the Founder of Brio Five, LLC, a leading...