Episode 093: Becoming a Profitable Freelancer with Laura Briggs

Episode 093: Becoming a Profitable Freelancer with Laura Briggs

Imagine trying to get a book published, and being told “no” by 32 literary agents and 17 publishers…and then… POOF! Next thing you know, your book wins the Author Academy Awards “Best Business Book of 2019”.  That’s exactly what happened to this week’s...
Episode 027: Owning Your Confidence with Sandy Grigsby

Episode 027: Owning Your Confidence with Sandy Grigsby

To embody confidence, means to embody power. Owning your confidence can be quite a struggle for some, and that’s why I’ve brought in TedX Speaker, Personal Brand Photographer, and Confidence Catalyst, Sandy Grigsby.Sandy is the Founder of Brio Five, LLC, a leading...