Episode 043: Transform Your Life with Lucy Liu

Episode 043: Transform Your Life with Lucy Liu

This week’s guest is joining me from the other side of the world, literally! Lucy Liu is here to talk to us about life transformations. And yes, she shares a name with a famous actress and according to her website – she tried out acting before the “other” Lucy...
Episode 040: Financially Free with Kumiko Love

Episode 040: Financially Free with Kumiko Love

I started following this week’s guest on Instagram a few months ago and was blown away with her budgeting system and financial strategy. Budgeting is something I think we all in our mind, know we should do and want to do, but most of us have trouble executing...
Episode 036: Childhood Matters with Skyler & Kalli Pearce

Episode 036: Childhood Matters with Skyler & Kalli Pearce

It’s fair to say that my kids have never really understood what my job is. For the longest time, my oldest daughter, Skyler, would tell people, “she texts for her job.”Riiight…. running a business and all I do is text. You nailed it,...
Episode 033: Creating Moments That Matter with Jennifer Zumbiel

Episode 033: Creating Moments That Matter with Jennifer Zumbiel

We live in a world ruled by technology, so much so, that we often forget the importance of a face-to-face conversation. Not only that, but we have forgotten HOW to communicate.If you’re anything like me, you sit down at the dinner table and hope to hear all...